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Blocking or Non-Blocking API calls?

When should you use blocking or non-blocking API calls? Blocking synchronous communication vs non-blocking asynchronous communication? Should commands fire and forget? What’s the big deal of making blocking synchronous calls between services? YouTube Check out my YouTube channel where I post all kinds of content that accompanies my posts including this video showing everything in this post. Communication There are 3 different forms of communication that I’m generally thinking of. Commands, Queries, and Events. I’m going to cover all three and the pros/cons of using blocking synchronous or non-blocking asynchronous with each of them. Commands With commands, it’s all about users’/clients expectations.… Read More »Blocking or Non-Blocking API calls?

Gotchas! in Event Driven Architecture

Event Driven Architecture has a few gotchas. Things that you always need to be aware of or think about. Regardless of whether you’re new to Event Driven Architecture or a seasoned veteran, these just don’t go away. Let me cover 4 aspects of event driven architecture that you need to think about. YouTube Check out my YouTube channel where I post all kinds of content that accompanies my posts including this video showing everything that is in this post. At Least Once Delivery You’ll likely use a broker that supports “at least once delivery”. This means that a message can be delivered… Read More »Gotchas! in Event Driven Architecture

Semantic Versioning is overrated

Package Managers (npm, nuget, pip, composer, maven, etc) are an incredible tool for leveraging other libraries and frameworks into your products or projects. What seems to have been largely lost in the decision-making process on if you should take on a dependency and what the implications are. Once you do take a dependency, how much do you trust the vendor/author and semantic versioning? Before you do a quick npm install or update let me explain some things you should be considering. YouTube Check out my YouTube channel where I post all kinds of content that accompanies my posts including this video showing… Read More »Semantic Versioning is overrated