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.NET Core

Migrating to .NET Core: NuGet Package Dependencies

There are a few road blocks from migrating to .NET Core.  One roadblock is .NET Framework API’s that are not included in NETStandard2.0.  Another, is NuGet Package dependencies. I’ll cover the API surface in another post, but for this post I want to show you a couple quick ways you can check if your NuGet package dependencies are compatible with .NET Core. Checking If you head over to and search for the package you depend on, there you can click to expand the Dependencies heading which will list all the targets.  Here’s an example of the MediatR package.… Read More »Migrating to .NET Core: NuGet Package Dependencies

EF Core: Logging Lazy Loading

If you are planning on migrating from Entity Framework 6.x to Entity Framework Core, there is likely one major road block: Lazy Loading. In most circumstances I don’t think lazy loading is a good idea.  If you were using Entity Framework, you may be using Lazy Loading unintentionally since it’s built in by default. Eager Loading To eager load a related entity, you specify the related entity to be populated with the Include() method.  This is applicable in EF and EF Core.  However in Entity Framework 6.x, if you do not Include() a related entity, and access that navigation property,… Read More »EF Core: Logging Lazy Loading

Roundup #3 – VS Live Share, ML.NET, Desktop .NET Core, EF6.3 on .NETCore3, Hyper-V Android Emulator

Since this week was Microsoft Build 2018, these were the top 5 things that came out of it for me.  Obviously I’m leaning towards the topics that affect me the most.  I’d love to hear what you found most interesting.  Let me know in the comments or on Twitter.   Visual Studio Live Share If you work remotely or want to screen share with a co-worker in another office, you know how terrible most of current solutions are.  VS Live share was announced in preview back in November 2017 and is now available. It doesn’t matter what type of app… Read More »Roundup #3 – VS Live Share, ML.NET, Desktop .NET Core, EF6.3 on .NETCore3, Hyper-V Android Emulator