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ASP.NET Core Series: The Basics

I’ve been wanting to create a ASP.NET Core Overview and series of blog posts on ASP.NET Core, but due to the number of betas and changes that came with those, I decided to hold off. Although ASP.NET at the time of this post is still at RC1 (update 1) and not RTM yet, there likely may be some naming changes.  Still, I think we are at a stable enough point where you can take this series and get a good feeling about where ASP.NET currently stands and how you get started writing your own apps. Series This series will focus on development of ASP.NET Core… Read More »ASP.NET Core Series: The Basics

NancyFX: .NET Web Framework

Working in the .NET ecosystem can feel very insular.  Especially if you work in the enterprise.  At the very beginning of my career in software development (circa late ’90s), I was generally using more open tooling and languages.  The atmosphere in those communities had (past tense) a much different feeling than it does in the .NET community. Most developers that are in .NET can feel the changes that have been occurring recently.  There has been a bigger wave of alternative and open source software awareness within .NET.  However, I still don’t think that the .NET community at large are even aware… Read More »NancyFX: .NET Web Framework

How-To Create Katana Middleware

What I love about Katana (OWIN Implementation) is the ability to add functionality through the request pipeline.  In this post I’m going to extend my ASP.NET Self Host Web Api application by demonstrating how you can create your own Katana Middleware. What’s OWIN Middleware? OWIN specification defines middleware as: Middleware – Pass through components that form a pipeline between a server and application to inspect, route, or modify request and response messages for a specific purpose. Katana IAppBuilder.Use There are couple different ways you can create your own middleware.  The simplest is to call the IAppBuild.Use method in your Startup class. For our example,… Read More »How-To Create Katana Middleware