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Configuring Errors and Warnings in C#

I recently stumbled upon some code that was making an awaitable method call but was not being awaited. I noticed the issue because it was a compiler warning CS4014 and was highlighted in code. I immediately fixed the issue, however, my second action was configuring errors and warnings in C#. YouTube Make sure to check out my YouTube channel where I often post related content that accompanies my blog posts. WarningAsError You can have a .NET build fail by having the compitler producing errors for normally what are considered warnings. Such as as CS4014 Because this call is not awaited,… Read More »Configuring Errors and Warnings in C#

.NET Portability Analyzer

In order to migrate your application from .NET Framework to .NET Core, one part of the migration is making sure your existing code that targets the .NET Framework BCL (Base Class Library) also works with the .NET Core BCL. This is where the .NET Portability Analyzer comes in. Migrating from .NET Framework to .NET Core This post is in a blog series for migrating from .NET Framework to .NET Core. Here’ are some earlier post if you need to catch up: Migrating from .NET Framework to .NET Core Overview Migrating to ASP.NET Core Multi-Targeted NuGet Package Gotchas! NuGet Package Alternatives… Read More ».NET Portability Analyzer

Migrating to ASP.NET Core

In the quest to migrate to .NET Core, the first step at the time (a couple of years ago) was to start migrating to ASP.NET Core from using Katana (Owin). This seemed like a logical first step as ASP.NET Core 2.x could run on .NET Framework as well as .NET Core. Ultimately this was a good first step in our migration. ASP.NET Core 3.x is only supported on .NET Core 3.0 because it targets netstandard2.1. .NET Framework only supports netstandard2.0 and will never support netstandard2.1 This makes it much more challenging to migrate because my recommendation is to get your… Read More »Migrating to ASP.NET Core