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Roundup #53: .NET Core 3 Preview 9, Improved NuGet Search, Prefer ValueTask to Task, .NET Core API Performance

Here are the things that caught my eye recently in .NET.  I’d love to hear what you found most interesting this week.  Let me know in the comments or on Twitter. Announcing .NET Core 3.0 Preview 9 Today, we’re announcing .NET Core 3.0 Preview 9. Just like with Preview 8, we’ve focused on polishing .NET Core 3.0 for a final release and aren’t adding new features. If these final builds seem less exciting than earlier previews, that’s by design. Download .NET Core 3.0 Preview 9 right now on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Link: New and improved NuGet Search is here! It’s been… Read More »Roundup #53: .NET Core 3 Preview 9, Improved NuGet Search, Prefer ValueTask to Task, .NET Core API Performance

Event Sourcing: Projections with Liquid Projections

Projections are an important yet pretty simple concept when working with event-centric or event sourcing systems. The concept is to build a state from a stream of events. In my previous post, Event Sourcing with SQL Stream Store, I made a pretty basic projection to keep the current account balance. In this post, I’ll use Liquid Projections to accomplish the same task. I recommend checking out my post on SQL Stream Store as I’m using the same example/demo application in this post. Liquid Projections Liquid Projection is a library for building projections. The concept and API are pretty simple, and… Read More »Event Sourcing: Projections with Liquid Projections

Roundup #52: .NET Core and systemd, System.Threading.Channels, screencastR, Configuration Pitfalls

Here are the things that caught my eye recently in .NET.  I’d love to hear what you found most interesting this week.  Let me know in the comments or on Twitter. .NET Core and systemd In preview7 a new package was added to the Microsoft.Extensions set of packages that enables integration with systemd. For the Windows focused, systemd allows similar functionality to Windows Services, there is a post on how to do what we discuss here for Windows Services in this post. This work was contributed by Tom Deseyn from Red Hat. In this post we will create a .NET Core app that runs as a systemd service. The integration… Read More »Roundup #52: .NET Core and systemd, System.Threading.Channels, screencastR, Configuration Pitfalls