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Roundup #24: JSON, .NET Core 3, Framework Reference, Orleans Dashboard

Here are the things that caught my eye this week.  I’d love to hear what you found most interesting this week.  Let me know in the comments or on Twitter.   The future of JSON in .NET Core 3.0 JSON has become an essential part of virtually all modern .NET applications and in many cases even surpassed the usage of XML. However, .NET hasn’t had a (great) built-in way to deal with JSON. Instead we’ve relied on Json.NET which continues to serve the .NET ecosystem well. Moving forward, we plan on making some changes to our JSON support. Link:   A first… Read More »Roundup #24: JSON, .NET Core 3, Framework Reference, Orleans Dashboard

Upgrading Nancy to Version 2

Although there isn’t an “official” of Nancy v2 release yet, there’ is 2.0.0-clinteastwood that’s been in NuGet since Dec 12th, 2106 and as of this post has almost 200k downloads.  The primary reason for upgrading Nancy to v2 is because of its support for NETStandard 1.6 which means you can move to .NET Core. In this demo, I’m going to be using ASP.NET Core with Owin and Nancy 2.0.0-clinteastwood to add back in the existing routing functionality that is a breaking change in v2. Breaking Changes There’s an upgrade notes page on the Nancy Wiki, which lists some of the breaking changes.  Although there aren’t… Read More »Upgrading Nancy to Version 2

Roundup #16: NET Standard 2.1, Endpoint Routing, Bullseye, API Spec Workflow

Here are the things that caught my eye this week.  I’d love to hear what you found most interesting this week.  Let me know in the comments or on Twitter. .NET Standard 2.1 This document describes the plan for .NET Standard 2.1, which includes the definition of its API surface. We did a diff between .NET Core 2.1 and .NET Standard 2.0 to see which APIs that were added in .NET Core would be great candidates for inclusion in the standard. Interesting to read some of the pros/cons for versioning and the decision to go with 2.1 Link:   Endpoint… Read More »Roundup #16: NET Standard 2.1, Endpoint Routing, Bullseye, API Spec Workflow