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Using ASP.NET Core Razor Views from a Class Library

I ran into a situation where I wanted to use a Razor views and layouts that were in a .NET Standard 2.0 class library from my ASP.NET Core MVC Project.  There were two issues that I ran into that I will cover in this post.  First is actually getting the MVC project to recognize the views in the class library.  Second was having Rider or Resharper in Visual Studio, understand where the views were located. Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Razor In .NET Core 2.1 SDK (or presumably later) there is now a Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Razor MSBuild SDK. Standardizes the experience around building, packaging, and publishing projects… Read More »Using ASP.NET Core Razor Views from a Class Library

How to Create Health Checks in ASP.NET Core

If you’re using a load balancer in front of your ASP.NET Core application you will need to provide it a route where it can verify that your application is still running.  Here’s an overview of how you can implement implement Health Checks in ASP.NET Core. Health Checks in ASP.NET Core If you’re using ASP.NET Core MVC, you might first think to just create a controller and action and provide that route as the health check for your load balancer. However there are alternative ways to accomplish this with middleware. Basic Middleware At the very basic level, we can create a… Read More »How to Create Health Checks in ASP.NET Core

HTTP API Problem Details in ASP.NET Core

If you’ve been writing HTTP API’s, you likely have needed to return exceptions and errors back to the consuming clients.  Before you go and grow your own solution to this common problem, there is RFC 7807 Problem Details for HTTP APIs which set out solve this problem. “problem detail” as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in a HTTP response to avoid the need to define new error response formats for HTTP APIs. Problem Details in ASP.NET Core Now that you’re on board with Problem Details, how do we use or implement this in ASP.NET Core.  Thankfully, Kristian Hellang has… Read More »HTTP API Problem Details in ASP.NET Core