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Roundup #10: Octopus + Containers, Converting web.config to JSON, .NET’s Memory Management

Here are the things that caught my eye this week.  I’d love to hear what you found most interesting this week.  Let me know in the comments or on Twitter. Kubernetes, Containers, and Octopus – An Update A few months back we asked the Octopus community if they could spare a few minutes and brain-cycles to provide some feedback on the first-draft of our Kubernetes plans. And you certainly delivered. So first, thank-you! We sincerely appreciate everyone who shared their thoughts. The product will certainly benefit from it. This is pretty interesting as I’ve always really loved Octopus but felt it… Read More »Roundup #10: Octopus + Containers, Converting web.config to JSON, .NET’s Memory Management

Roundup #9: Razor Email Templates, AWS Lamba .NET Core 2.1, Contract First API Design with OpenAPI V3

Here are the things that caught my eye this week.  I’d love to hear what you found most interesting this week.  Let me know in the comments or on Twitter. Walkthrough: Creating an HTML Email Template with Razor and Razor Class Libraries and Rendering it from a .NET Standard Class Library HTML emails are the absolute worst.  Inlined styles.  Nested tables.  Different apps and platforms render the markup differently.  It’s an absolute train wreck.  However, sending plain text emails isn’t a great way to impress your users and often makes emails look fake or like spam.  So fine, HTML emails. … Read More »Roundup #9: Razor Email Templates, AWS Lamba .NET Core 2.1, Contract First API Design with OpenAPI V3

Using Razor in a Console Application (outside of ASP.NET Core MVC)

In addition up to my previous post, Using ASP.NET Core Razor Views from a Class Library,  I wanted to also dig into how you can use Razor in a Console Application.  Basically from outside of ASP.NET Core MVC. The most likely situation for this is wanting to generate Emails using Razor that are being sent from a service or console application.  The other might be from another web framework/middleware inside of ASP.NET Core. To demo how to use Razor outside of ASP.NET CORE MVC, I’m going to use Razor in a Console Application.  Specifically I’m using netcoreapp2.1 for this demo but… Read More »Using Razor in a Console Application (outside of ASP.NET Core MVC)