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Bounded Context and Subdomains

In a previous blog, I discussed how I recently discovered through eventual consistency that I had poor business alignment.  With more thoughts and insights, I wanted to extend that post by discussion bounded contexts and how they fit within subdomains. 1 to 1? I’ve often thought of a bounded context as being a one-to-one relationship with a subdomain.   To take that further, you may get the impression that they are indeed the same thing.  When I was first introduced to the concept many years ago, I was under the impression that they mapped directly one to one. I’m not entirely… Read More »Bounded Context and Subdomains

Eventual Consistency and Business Alignment

I recently discovered through eventual consistency that my bounded contexts were not properly aligned with the business.   I won’t lie, it took me quite a while to make this realization. This was most likely the case in many situations I’ve had in the past.  Because of this realization, I wanted to let out some of my thoughts about eventual consistency and business alignment. Dependent Bounded Context I’ve often encounter situations where a bounded context requires information that another bounded context is responsible for.  I’d like to use a simple example I’ve heard from Udi Dahan.  In the context of an Ecommerce site. A… Read More »Eventual Consistency and Business Alignment

CAP Theorem, CQRS and Eventually Consistent

First, if you haven’t heard of Eric Brewer’s CAP theorem, it basically states that you can must choose two of three: Consistency Availability Partition Tolerance CQRS doesn’t solve CAP issues, however it allows you to decide independently what is important on both read and write side. For example, you could assume a systems would be ACID (Atomic, Consistent, Isolated, Durable) compliant on the write/domain site and BASE (Basic Availability, Soft-State, Eventually Consistent) on the read side. Eventual consistency is something that requires a change of mindset.  Because of our heavy use in ACID compliant databases, thinking about possibly having stale data blows our mind. There… Read More »CAP Theorem, CQRS and Eventually Consistent