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Derek Comartin

Queuing Background Jobs with Coravel

In one of my live streams on my YouTube Channel, I took a look at using Coravel to refactor some code that was sending out an email. Emailing is a good example of something that can be created as a background job that frees up your web application to return a result quicker to the client. Coravel Coravel gives you a zero-configuration queue that runs in-memory to offload long-winded tasks to the background instead of making your users wait for their HTTP request to finish! It’s pretty easy to get started to run background jobs with Coravel in your ASP.NET… Read More »Queuing Background Jobs with Coravel

CQRS: Refactoring Queries without Repositories

This question posted on Twitter (and the subsequent thread) caught my attention. I had to pipe in with my own opinion on having queries without repositories. To summarize, the question is about using Aggregate Roots with an ORM like Entity Framework. Should you eager load all navigation properties or alternatively I guess, use lazy loading? My answer is if you’re only using an aggregate root for commands (to change state) and you generally have a higher read to write ratio, then eager load the navigation properties. As a general rule of thumb. eShopOnWeb I recently heard about eShipOnWeb from Steve… Read More »CQRS: Refactoring Queries without Repositories

Loosely Coupled Show: Software Architecture and Design

I’m excited to announce the Loosely Coupled Show, a new project I’m working on with James Hickey. Check out the YouTube Channel and subscribe! The premise is simple. To have discussions about software architecture and design. The target audience is intermediate to senior software developers. Episode #000 We recorded a quick video to kind of describe what the plan is for the show, check out our “first” episode for more about the show and us and our backgrounds. Loosely Coupled Show I’ve also posted a short video on my CodeOpinion YouTube channel to elaborate a bit more on the announcement,… Read More »Loosely Coupled Show: Software Architecture and Design