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Derek Comartin

Organizing Code by Feature using Vertical Slices

I’ve written about organizing code by feature and vertical slices instead of technical concern quite a bit on this blog. However, it doesn’t seem to have caught on as much as I’ve hoped. I’m always seeing posts on Twitter about this concept where people finally catch on and make the discovery. YouTube Check out my YouTube channel where I post all kinds of content that accompanies my posts including this video showing everything that is in this post. Technical Concern I’ve always found it interesting that layers or technical concerns ended up being seemingly the most important thing when organizing… Read More »Organizing Code by Feature using Vertical Slices

Defining Service Boundaries by Splitting Entities

Defining Service Boundaries is a really important part of building a loosely coupled system, yet can often be difficult. Here’s one way of realizing where service boundaries lie but looking at Entities and the properties and how they relate. YouTube Check out my YouTube channel where I post all kinds of content that accompanies my posts including this video showing everything that is in this post. Catalog For the purpose of this example, I’m going to use an e-commerce, distribution domain. Don’t worry too much if you don’t know distribution. At a high level, you buy products from vendors, store… Read More »Defining Service Boundaries by Splitting Entities

Scaling Hangfire: Process More Jobs Concurrently

As you start enqueuing more background jobs with Hangfire, you might need to increase the number of Consumers that can process jobs. Scaling Hangfire can be done in a couple of ways that I’ll explain in this post, along with one tip on what to be aware of when starting to scale out. YouTube Check out my YouTube channel where I post all kinds of content that accompanies my posts including this video showing everything that is in this post. Producers & Consumers First, let’s clear up how Hangfire works with producers and consumers. A Hangfire producer is creating background… Read More »Scaling Hangfire: Process More Jobs Concurrently