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Derek Comartin

Event Sourcing: Eric Evans Interviews Greg Young

I follow Eric Evans (@ericevans0) and Greg Young (@gregyoung) on twitter.  I really respect their opinion and knowledge. Eric tweeted about an interview he did with Greg over 5 years ago about Event Sourcing.  It’s great to hear Greg describe how Event Sourcing fits with DDD concepts.  This is video is one of the first Event Sourcing + DDD talks that I’m aware of.   I highly recommend checking  it out. If you are new to Event Sourcing, here is a snippet from Martin Fowler article. Capture all changes to an application state as a sequence of events. We can… Read More »Event Sourcing: Eric Evans Interviews Greg Young

Domain Driven Design Quickly

I just realized that it has been almost 10 years since Eric Evans wrote Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software.  Although it’s not new, it is still gaining awareness  and is still very relevant.  I’ve mentioned DDD in many of my posts so I figured I needed to provide some resources. If you are new to Domain Driven Design and want a summary instead of jumping into Eric Evans book, then Domain Driven Design Quickly is for you.  Produced by, this cliff notes book provide introductions to all the fundamentals of DDD. DDD Quickly can be downloaded… Read More »Domain Driven Design Quickly


Test Driven Development + Domain Driven Design = Behavior Driven Development Although it isn’t anything new (coined 6+ years ago), it doesn’t seem to be as mainstream in terms of buzzword/awareness.  BDD is often referred to as TDD done right.  Meaning that TDD is about guiding design and not just about having a regression suite.  In DDD, there is the concept of ubiquitous language, which is about using the business vocabulary in the code base. Dan North is the man behind BDD, check out his intro. Or if you prefer video, here is a Google Tech Talk with Dave Astels.