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ASP.NET Core Data Protection

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ASP.NET Core Data ProtectionContinuing from my last post on Configuring ASP.NET Core behind a Load Balancer, the next hurdle you may run into is with ASP.NET Core Data Protection. Specifically I was using Cookie Authentication (without Identity). In this scenario, ASP.NET Core’s Data Protection must share the same key ring and app identifier for each instance of your application.  This means if you are load balanced across multiple containers or even machines, you must configure ASP.NET Core’s Data Protection system. If you do not, the process that generates your authentication cookie (or bearer token) will be the only process that will be able to read it.

ASP.NET Core Data Protection

Thankfully, there are a a few different solutions that I’d like to point out across Azure, AWS and Redis.

Azure Blob Storage

There is an official package Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.AzureStorage that allows you to store your data protection keys in Azure storage.  Just use one of the overloads of the PersistKeysToAzureBlogStorage.


This is another official package Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.Redis that allows you to store it to Redis.  Use one the PersistToRedis methods to configure to your needs.


If you are using AWS, you have a couple options as well with a couple community packages AspNetCore.DataProtection.Aws.S3 and AspNetCore.DataProtection.Aws.Kms.  You can find info and usage on GitHub. Here’s how to quickly configure using using S3.

Key Storage Providers

Are you using any other key storage providers?  Please let me know in the comments or on Twitter.

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