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Roundup #9: Razor Email Templates, AWS Lamba .NET Core 2.1, Contract First API Design with OpenAPI V3

Here are the things that caught my eye this week.  I’d love to hear what you found most interesting this week.  Let me know in the comments or on Twitter.

Walkthrough: Creating an HTML Email Template with Razor and Razor Class Libraries and Rendering it from a .NET Standard Class Library

HTML emails are the absolute worst.  Inlined styles.  Nested tables.  Different apps and platforms render the markup differently.  It’s an absolute train wreck.  However, sending plain text emails isn’t a great way to impress your users and often makes emails look fake or like spam.  So fine, HTML emails.  Let’s do it.



AWS Lambda Supports .NET Core 2.1

You can now develop your AWS Lambda function code in C# using the .NET Core 2.1 runtime which will soon be the Long Term Support (LTS) version of .NET Core.



Contract First API Design with OpenAPI V3 – Darrel Miller

The Swagger specification is all grown up with it’s new enterprisey name, OpenAPI and there’s a whole set of new features in V3, like links and callbacks. This session will explore what’s new in OpenAPI V3 while designing and building an HTTP API.

Most Swagger/OpenAPI users started by generating their OpenAPI from an API implementation. As developers gain experience, many start to change their approach to start with an OpenAPI description and build an implementation from that. We will compare the approaches and talk about the advantages of Contract First with OpenAPI.



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