Writing More Succinct C#
When looking at a lot of C# code nowadays, I find myself thinking “wow, that code could be made SO MUCH SMALLER!”. C# is a very flexible language, allowing you to write clean and functional code, but also very bloated code.
Link: https://www.danclarke.com/2020-more-succinct-csharp
Extending the shutdown timeout setting to ensure graceful IHostedService shutdown
I was seeing an issue recently where our application wasn’t running the
method in ourIHostedService
implementations when the app was shutting down. It turns out that this was due to some services taking too long to respond to the shutdown signal. In this post I show an example of the problem, discuss why it happens, and how to avoid it.
This is a simple tool that will help in migrating .NET Framework projects to .NET Core.
This tool is for anyone looking to get a little help migrating their projects to .NET Core (or .NET SDK-style projects).
As the name suggests, this tool is not guaranteed to fully convert a project into a 100% working state. The tool is conservative and does as good of a job as it can to ensure that a converted project can still be loaded into Visual Studio and build. However, there are an enormous amount of factors that can result in a project that may not load or build that this tool explicitly does not cover. These include:
Complex, custom builds that you may have in your solution
API usage that is incompatible with .NET Core
Unsupported project types (such as Xamarin, WebForms, or WCF projects)
If the bulk of your codebase is generally capable of moving to .NET Core (such as lots of class libraries with no platform-specific code), then this tool should help quite a bit.
Link: https://github.com/dotnet/try-convert
Build Stuff #6 e-Meetup – Sam Newman – Coupling, Cohesion, and Microservices
The terms coupling and cohesion come from the world of structured programming, but they are also thrown about in the context of microservices. In this session, I look at the applicability of these terms to a microservice architecture and also do a deep dive into the different types of coupling to explore how ideas from the 1970s still have a lot of relevance to the types of systems we build today.