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Roundup #67: Cert Expiration Check, Should I use MicroServices? StackOverflow Survey, gRPC-Web

Here are the things that caught my eye recently in .NET.  I’d love to hear what you found most interesting this week.  Let me know in the comments or on Twitter.

Certificate Expiration Check

I thought this was a pretty cool idea and an easy way to keep track of expiring certs.


Should I Use A Microservices Architecture?

Are you considering adopting a microservices architecture? Won’t it fix all your problems? Join me for a look into the realities of microservices!


2020 Stack Overflow Developer Survey

Thank you for taking the 2020 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, the largest and most comprehensive survey of software developers (and anyone else who codes!) on Earth. 


A new experiment: Call .NET gRPC services from the browser with gRPC-Web

I’m excited to announce experimental support for gRPC-Web with .NET. gRPC-Web allows gRPC to be called from browser-based apps like JavaScript SPAs or Blazor WebAssembly apps.

gRPC-Web for .NET promises to bring many of gRPC’s great features to browser apps:

Strongly-typed code-generated clients
Compact Protobuf messages
Server streaming


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