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Here are the things that caught my eye recently in .NET. I’d love to hear what you found most interesting this week. Let me know in the comments or on Twitter.
MessagePack for C# v2, new era of .NET Core(Unity) I/O Pipelines
MessagePack for C# Version 2 was released in 2019–12–16. The main implementation was done by Andrew Arnott who is a software engineer at Microsoft, Visual Studio Team. I checked the API design and performance and took care of the Unity compatibility. This collaboration took almost a year, and I think we did a great job.
Link: https://medium.com/@neuecc/messagepack-for-c-v2-new-era-of-net-core-unity-i-o-pipelines-6950643c1053
Check for Breaking Changes with ApiCompat
When we maintain a library that’s used by others, we want to shield them from breaking changes and use SemVer as a way of indicating breaking changes when they do occur. If our public API changes in a way that is considered a breaking change, wouldn’t it be great if we were notified so that we can bump that major version number?
Link: https://stu.dev/check-for-breaking-changes-with-apicompat/
Reducing log verbosity with Serilog RequestLogging
One of the great aspects of ASP.NET Core is that logging is built-in to the framework. That means you can (if you want to) get access to all the deep infrastructural logs from your own standard logging infrastructure. The down side to this is that sometimes you can get too many logs.
Link: https://andrewlock.net/using-serilog-aspnetcore-in-asp-net-core-3-reducing-log-verbosity/
Securing your .Net Core Container Secrets
As customers move .NET workloads to the cloud, many start to consider containerizing their applications because of the agility and cost savings that containers provide. Combine those compelling drivers with the multi-OS capabilities that come with .NET Core, and customers have an exciting reason to migrate their applications. A primary question is how they can safely store secrets and sensitive configuration values in containerized workloads. In this video, learn how to safely containerize an ASP.NET Core application while leveraging services like AWS Secrets Manager and AWS Fargate.
Part 1
Part 2
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOdou18ueJ4
.NET Conf: Focus on Blazor
.NET Conf: Focus on Blazor is a free, one-day livestream event that features speakers from the community and .NET product teams that are working on building web apps with C# and Blazor. You don’t need to use JavaScript anymore with Blazor technology! Blazor lets you build interactive web UIs using C# instead of JavaScript.