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Roundup #32: System.IO.Pipelines, Libraries vs Frameworks, Performance Profiling in Rider, Cyclomatic Complexity, Lessons from the Birth of Microservices

Here are the things that caught my eye this week in .NET.  I’d love to hear what you found most interesting this week.  Let me know in the comments or on Twitter.

High Performance IO with System.IO.Pipelines

Pipelines was born from the work the .NET Core team was doing to make it easier to do high performance IO in .NET.

In this episode, Pavel Krymets (@pakrym) and David Fowler (@davidfowl) come on the show to give us an overview of how the Pipelines programming model works, as well as give show us a few demos on how to use the API.


Libraries vs Frameworks w/ Dennis Doomen

Dennis Doomen is on an everlasting quest for better solutions that will significantly improve the efficiency, the quality and the productivity of your software development teams.

And among other things he is the author of Fluent Assertions, an API for asserting the results of unit tests in .NET.


Performance Profiling in Rider

If you’re an active Rider 2018.3 user or just follow our blog, you probably know that Rider just got an integrated performance profiler based on JetBrains dotTrace. Though we’ve already reviewed the profiler features on the EAP stage, the release version brings some important changes, especially concerning profiling session configuration. Read this post to learn more about the changes.


Rider Cyclomatic Complexity Plugin


What We Got Wrong: Lessons from the Birth of Microservices

Ben Sigelman talks about what Google got wrong about microservices, the lessons learned along the way and how to apply those lessons today.


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