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Roundup #18: GitHub PR in VSCode, Azure DevOps, .NET Global Tool, MSBuildPipeLogger, Shared DTOs

Here are the things that caught my eye this week.  I’d love to hear what you found most interesting this week.  Let me know in the comments or on Twitter.

GitHub Pull Requests in Visual Studio Code

Like many other open source projects, the Visual Studio Code community collaborates through pull requests to land fixes and new features. Starting this past spring, our team has been working to bring you a new integrated pull request experience so that you can collaborate, comment, review, and validate GitHub pull requests directly from within Visual Studio Code.


Introducing Azure DevOps

Not in love with the new name but I get it.  I think something like Azure Team Services would have made more sense but just my opinion.



Create a .NET Core Global Tool

This article teaches you how to create and package a .NET Core Global Tool. The .NET Core CLI allows you to create a console application as a Global Tool, which others can easily install and run. .NET Core Global Tools are NuGet packages that are installed from the .NET Core CLI. For more information about Global Tools, see .NET Core Global Tools overview.



Announcing MsBuildPipeLogger

The idea being able to respond in another process to MSBuild logging events that occur in a different process is really cool.



Shared DTOs – Popular Opinion?

This thread and the original thread are a good source for various opinions.  Recommend reading if you do use shared DTOs.



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