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Crappy Code Judgement

What’s the first thing most developers say after diving into legacy code? It’s crap.  Giant plate of spaghetti!  What in the world was the person who wrote this thinking? What’s interesting is we ask this question without really trying to answer it.  What were the objective and/or constraints to the person who wrote it? Without knowing this, you are making your judgement on unknowns. Example #1: You have 30 days to complete.  This application is only assumed to be a temporary application. Example #2: You have 30 days to complete, but don’t spend more than 16 hours.  This will be… Read More »Crappy Code Judgement

Continuous Integration vs Continuous Delivery vs Continuous Deployment

Continuous Integration is a term/buzzword that seems to have a clear understanding.  Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment on the other hand, seem to get incorrectly interchanged. Continuous Integration Continuously integrate changes into source control in order to test changes through automated builds and unit tests.  This provides developers with early warnings of broken code/merges and allows them to fix problems continuously. Continuous Delivery Some have the opinion that continuous delivery is when you deliver to a user base, such as UAT or QA.  I personally disagree.  Continuous delivery is about making sure your software is always production ready. via Jez… Read More »Continuous Integration vs Continuous Delivery vs Continuous Deployment