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Commands or Events: Which One for Workflow?

So, you’re building a system around business processes and workflows. Great! But where does the code go that has to orchestrate all this? This is a common question I’ve received, especially from members of my channel on our private Discord. Let’s dive into the guidelines on process managers, bounded contexts, and clever ways to collocate workflow steps. YouTube Check out my YouTube channel, where I post all kinds of content accompanying my posts, including this video showing everything in this post. Understanding Workflows Often, smaller workflows chain together to create larger workflows. Picture this: we have three different boundaries—sales, shipping, and billing.… Read More »Commands or Events: Which One for Workflow?

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Screaming Architecture: Not Driven By Entities

“Manager”, “Builder”, “Factory”, or another technical name in your code structure isn’t Screaming Architecture or Vertical Slices. This post was inspired by the neverending posts I see on LinkedIn about software architecture styles and concepts. Let’s be real: The signal-to-noise ratio isn’t great, and many posts miss context and nuance. So, let’s unpack some thoughts on this. YouTube Check out my YouTube channel, where I post all kinds of content accompanying my posts, including this video showing everything in this post. Vertical Slice Architecture First up is the ever-popular vertical slice architecture, which seems to be widely misunderstood. One post I came… Read More »Screaming Architecture: Not Driven By Entities

Do you really need that abstraction or generic code? (YAGNI)

You Aren’t Gonna Need It. The essence of YAGNI is simple: don’t build something today that you assume you’ll need in the future. However, there’s a nuance here because we also don’t want to handcuff ourselves. Let’s explore how this principle applies both to features and technical implementation. YouTube Check out my YouTube channel, where I post all kinds of content accompanying my posts, including this video showing everything in this post. The Two Sides of YAGNI First, let’s break down how people often think about YAGNI. On one hand, there’s the feature side. When developing a product, you might think you’ll… Read More »Do you really need that abstraction or generic code? (YAGNI)