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Getting Started: Apache Kafka with .NET Core

If you’re interested in playing around with Apache Kafka with .NET Core, this post contains everything you need to get started. I’ve been interested in Kafka for awhile and finally sat down and got everything configured using Docker, then created a .NET console app that contained a Producer and a Consumer. Here’s my complete process of what that involved. YouTube Check out my YouTube channel where I created a video that accompanies this blog post. Docker The first thing you need is to pull down the latest Docker images of both Zookeeper and Kafka. Before we create any contains, first create a… Read More »Getting Started: Apache Kafka with .NET Core

CAP: Event Bus & Outbox Pattern

If you’re thinking of building or already are implementing a system using async messaging (SOA or Microservices) then you need to start thinking about what type of messaging library you want to use in front of a message broker. CAP is an Event Bus that implements the Outbox Pattern to deal with distributed transactions. YouTube I did a live stream exploring CAP that is over on my YouTube Channel. Distributed Transaction When you’re using messages (events) to communicate between systems you will run into the situation where you need to save data to your database, then publish an event to… Read More »CAP: Event Bus & Outbox Pattern

Why use DTOs (Data Transfer Objects)?

Should you really use DTOs (Data Transfer Objects)? Seem like a lot of work mapping your database entities to another object? Why Bother? The simple answer is coupling. Data Transfer Objects First, what are DTOs? When people refer to Data Transfer Objects, what they mean are objects that represent data structures that generally do not contain any business logic or behavior. If they do contain behavior, it’s generally trivial. Data Transfer Objects are often used to be serialized by the producer and then deserialized by the consumer. Often times these consumers may live in another process being used by an… Read More »Why use DTOs (Data Transfer Objects)?