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Is a REST API with CQRS Possible?

If you’re developing an HTTP API (what most would call REST) how does that fit alongside a Task-Based UI and CQRS? How can you create a REST API with CQRS? For starters, resources don’t need to map to Entities. Second, HTTP Methods don’t need to map to CRUD. Resources can be whatever you want them to be. In which case, they can be commands and queries. YouTube Check out my YouTube channel where I post all kinds of content that accompanies my posts including this video showing everything that is in this post. Resources In some of my recent videos/blogs about Task… Read More »Is a REST API with CQRS Possible?

CQRS Myths: 3 Most Common Misconceptions

Although Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) seems to be a term a lot of developers are aware of, I do think the majority have the wrong definition. Like many terms in the software development industry, things over time get confused, and then those confusing ideas propagate. These are the 3 CQRS Myths I see or hear the most often. YouTube Check out my YouTube channel where I post all kinds of content that accompanies my posts including this video showing everything that is in this post. CQRS Myths I do understand why people can be confused by CQRS as if… Read More »CQRS Myths: 3 Most Common Misconceptions

CQRS without Multiple Data Sources

One of the most common misconceptions about CQRS is it implies Eventual Consistency. That you must have different data sources for your commands and queries. Meaning you will have a use one data source for commands/writes and an entirely different data source for query/reads. This is simply untrue. This assumption implies that you’re query/read data source will be eventually consistent with the command/write side. This is because the assumption is your commands will write to its data source, then emit events that will be processed and update your query/read database independently. If you’re unfamiliar with CQRS, I highly recommend checking… Read More »CQRS without Multiple Data Sources