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LazyCache: Caching Service for ObjectCache

I recently blogged about in-memory caching while I was looking for a library to sit on top of .NET ObjectCache or MemoryCache. Alastair Crabtree commented on my post, suggesting I take a look at this LazyCache library. So I figured I would take my existing demo application and port it to using LazyCache. As with most of my posts, all the following code is available as a demo application on GitHub. This demo console app is going to show currency exchange rate between USD and CAD for a given day. LazyCache Lazy cache is a simple in-memory caching service. It has a developer friendly generics based API,… Read More »LazyCache: Caching Service for ObjectCache

Web API: Resource Model isn’t your Data Model

I was recently reminded of some troubles I had awhile ago which were caused by exposing my data model. This tweet by Mike Amundsen brought up some thoughts that I had yet to share, and why I now suggest that you don’t expose your data model. remember, when designing your #WebAPI, your data model is not your object model is not your resource model is not your message model #API360 — Mike Amundsen (@mamund) August 21, 2016 OData A good illustration of the above is with how you see most examples of using OData with .NET and Entity Framework. The problem lies… Read More »Web API: Resource Model isn’t your Data Model

.NET CLI Basics

I started looking at the .NET Core CLI (Command Line Interface) a bit more over past couple weeks and figured I’d put together a blog and video covering the basics. I’m intentionally covering only the basics because the CLI is currently at “Preview 2” and is not yet RTM. Also, since we know the project.json is being eliminated before RTM, I didn’t want to dig into aspects like multi targeting different platforms and frameworks since that requires the project.json. Video Walk Through I’ve created a short video which explains everything this post will, so if you prefer video walk through this… Read More ».NET CLI Basics