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Fat Controller CQRS Diet: Notifications

This post is in my Fat Controller CQRS Diet series. It demonstrates how to thin your controllers by implementing commands and queries using the MediatR library. I’m converting the MusicStore application that’s using ASP.NET Core MVC.   All the source code is available on GitHub. If you’re new to this series, here are earlier posts to get up to speed: Overview of Series Simple Query Simple Command Command Pipeline Logging In the my previous Command Pipeline example, I leveraged StructureMap and the decorator pattern to setup a pipeline. My pipeline would invoke the actual command handler as well as any classes that… Read More »Fat Controller CQRS Diet: Notifications

Fat Controller CQRS Diet: Command Pipeline

This post is in my Fat Controller CQRS Diet series demonstrating how to thin your controllers by implementing commands and queries using the MediatR library. For demonstration, I’m converting the MusicStore application that’s using ASP.NET Core MVC.   All the source code is available on GitHub. If you’re new to this series, here are earlier posts in this series: Overview of Series Simple Query Simple Command Pipelines In both the new  Query and Commands handlers wrote in prior posts, there was one thing standing out that really didn’t belong. Logging For reference, here was our AddToCartHandler that did some logging at… Read More »Fat Controller CQRS Diet: Command Pipeline

Why use Nancy?

On one of my posts showing how you can use Nancy with ASP.NET Core, David Anderson posted the following comment I came across some Nancy blogpost last week and got curious about it and so looked on internet for more information. I wanted to know why should someone use Nancy and why plain core is not sufficient. So far every place I look I see the same introduction, you know that one with ‘…super-duper-happy-path…’. But to be honest it’s still not clear ‘why’? What is it that someone can not do in ASP.NET Core which is ‘super-duper’ in Nancy?… Read More »Why use Nancy?