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Why use MediatR? 3 reasons why and 1 reason not

The MediatR library by Jimmy Bogard has become increasingly popular over recent years, and deservedly so. By its own definition, it’s a simple, unambitious mediator implementation in .NET. Why are so many developers using it? Why should you use MediatR? Here are 3 reasons why you should at least consider using it and one reason why shouldn’t. YouTube Check out my YouTube channel where I post all kinds of content that accompanies my posts including this one regarding MediatR. What is MediatR? For those unfamiliar with MediatR library or the mediator pattern: In software engineering, the mediator pattern defines an object that encapsulates how a… Read More »Why use MediatR? 3 reasons why and 1 reason not

Solution & Project Structure of a Loosely Coupled Monolith

Here’s how you can create a solution and project structure to develop a loosely coupled monolith using a .NET Solution with C# Projects. Each boundary is in a solutions folder with 3 projects. Implementation, Contracts, and Tests. All of which are class libraries. The two top-level executable projects, AspNetCore and Worker are console applications that reference the implementation projects. Loosely Coupled Monolith This blog post is apart of a series of posts I’ve created around Loosely Coupled Monoliths. Loosely Coupled Monolith Overview Thin vs Fat Events YouTube Check out my YouTube channel where I post all kinds of content that… Read More »Solution & Project Structure of a Loosely Coupled Monolith

Loosely Coupled Monolith

With microservices all the rage over the past decade or so, there has been little attention paid to how to develop a Loosely Coupled Monolith. Both microservices and monoliths have their strengths and weaknesses. The intent of this blog and video series is not to debate the use of one or the other but rather to illustrate how you can develop a loosely coupled monolith. What the benefits come from a loosely coupled monolith and some of the drawbacks. Loosely Coupled Monolith This blog post is apart of a series of posts I’ve created around Loosely Coupled Monoliths. Solution &… Read More »Loosely Coupled Monolith