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Derek Comartin

Aggregate (DDD) isn’t hierarchy & relationships

How do you design an aggregate in domain-driven design? An aggregate in a cluster of related objects and used to manage the complexity of business rules and data consistency. Designing aggregates often incorrectly because of the focus on the relationship between entities. YouTube Check out my YouTube channel, where I post all kinds of content accompanying my posts, including this video showing everything in this post. Relationships I believe most developers designing aggregates are thinking about data, hierarchy & relationships. As an example, here’s an aggregate diagramed by its relationships. It has an entity that is the Aggregate Root which any consuming… Read More »Aggregate (DDD) isn’t hierarchy & relationships

Using your Database as a Queue?

Do you need a message broker, or can you use your database as a queue? Well, as in most cases, it depends. Let me explain how it’s possible and some trade-offs and things to consider, such as volume, processing failures, and more. YouTube Check out my YouTube channel, where I post all kinds of content accompanying my posts, including this video showing everything in this post. Database as a Queue There was a blog post about ditching RabbitMQ for Postgres as a queue. TLDR: They claimed they had issues with prefetching with RabbitMQ and it was causing issues because they have long-running… Read More »Using your Database as a Queue?

Building a system that Junior Developers can be productive in

How do you get junior developers or someone new up and being productive within your system? Never mind domain knowledge. There is a lot of technical tribal knowledge about how you handle logging, persistence, validation, and various patterns and practices you apply within your specific systems architecture. Here’s how I think about it by creating silos. YouTube Check out my YouTube channel, where I post all kinds of content accompanying my posts, including this video showing everything in this post. Coupling In a simplistic view, you might think you have a web application or HTTP API with a controller that invokes a… Read More »Building a system that Junior Developers can be productive in