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Derek Comartin

.NET Framework Migration to .NET9

Have a large .NET Framework codebase that you want to migrate to .NET8 or beyond? Here’s some tips of my .NET Framework migration and things to consider. YouTube Check out my YouTube channel, where I post all kinds of content accompanying my posts, including this video showing everything in this post. Introduction to the Migration Journey My journey of migrating a large codebase from .NET Framework to .NET 9 and beyond was not just a technical challenge; it was about long-term strategy and planning. The need for improved performance, scalability, and modern development tools is what drove the goal of migration. Before… Read More ».NET Framework Migration to .NET9

Avoiding a Legacy Codebase. Keep it Evergreen

Nobody wants their codebase to turn into a brownfield mess legacy codebase having to use outdated technology. Here are 3 tips for keeping your codebase evergreen. YouTube Check out my YouTube channel, where I post all kinds of content accompanying my posts, including this video showing everything in this post. Understanding Stability and Advancements How do you keep your codebase Evergreen and avoid it being a legacy codebase? Let’s say you recently started a greenfield project, and you know it will be maintained over the years, adding new functionality. You don’t want it to turn into legacy or something that’s considered brownfield.… Read More »Avoiding a Legacy Codebase. Keep it Evergreen

Never rewrite code?

Is it a bad idea to rewrite code or an entire system? At some point, developers want to rewrite for various reasons. Often, it’s because we simply don’t understand the existing codebase or think it’s a tire fire. But is the benefit there? Sometimes, yes. Sometimes, no. It’s a pretty nuanced topic around cost/benefit. YouTube Check out my YouTube channel, where I post all kinds of content accompanying my posts, including this video showing everything in this post. Rewrite When it comes to software development, the debate over whether to rewrite code never ends. Some developers always want or have the urge… Read More »Never rewrite code?