Here are the things that caught my eye this week in .NET. I’d love to hear what you found most interesting this week. Let me know in the comments or on Twitter.
Channels, ring buffers and logs
If you’re developing applications in .NET, you probably heard about all the new shiny part of the framework, like Pipelines which enable you to process IO-related processing with more IO awareness, still leaving your code on quite high level. Another part of the framework that is mentioned recently are channels that are used to pass data between parties. In this post I discuss various approaches used for data passing.
Cloud Irregular: The Creeping IT Apocalypse
So apparently AWS is working on a clandestine low-code/no-code product codenamed “AWS for Everyone”. It’s useless to speculate on this without concrete info (though that didn’t stop Geekwire), but
hopefully this isn’t just another half-baked attempt to simplify the process of application development past all recognition. An awful lot of smart people have been trying to make graphical interfaces to help non-programmers code since – what, pre-Visual Basic? – and those projects always seem to get bogged down by a) fundamental limitations of usefulness or b) horrifying snarls of technical debt, or c) both of the above.
dotnet -format
The myth of the right tool for the job
The phrase “the right tool for the job” is one we’ve all heard in software development and we’ve all most likely said it at some point.
However when you stop and think about what such a phrase actually means you begin torealise it’s actually quite a problematic one, it makes too many assumptions.
Fixing random, part 1
The C# design team tries hard to make the language a “pit of success”, where the natural way to write programs is also the correct, elegant and performant way. And then System.Random comes along; I cringe every time I see code on StackOverflow that uses it, because it is almost always wrong, and it is seldom easy to see how to make it right.
Exploring the Microsoft Graph SDK
Microsoft Graph is a gateway to the data and intelligence in Microsoft 365. It provides a unified programming model that you can use to take advantage of the data in Office 365, Enterprise Mobility + Security, and Windows 10
In thisepisode we’re joined by Darrel Miller (@darrel_miller), PM for Microsoft Graph developer tooling. Darrel gives us an overview of what Microsoft Graph is, and also shows us how to get started with the .NET SDK.